This is a virtual space that has security mechanisms to store and safeguard the copies of the Contracts for the Exploration and Extraction of Hydrocarbons, which have been subscribed and are part of the Public Registry of the CNH.


Through this Digital Vault, the public in general can have access to signed contracts, with absolute transparency and with the certainty that they correspond to those that were signed between the National Hydrocarbons Commission and the contractors awarded in the tender processes of contracts for the exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons.

 In order to guarantee the above, a notary public verifies that the original document corresponds to the copy that is intended to be incorporated into the Digital Vault. Additionally, through electronic security mechanisms, the Executive Secretary of the Commission validates and authorizes the publication of the documents, as well as their replacement, in the event of any modification to them.

The Contracts signed by the CNH on behalf of the State are shown below:

Round 1. First Tender
Round 1. Second Tender
Round 1. Third Tender
Round 1. Fourth Tender
Round 2. First Tender
Round 2. Second Tender
Round 2. Third Tender
Contracts of Associations with Petróleos Mexicanos
Migrations without a member of Petróleos Mexicanos
Migrations with a member of Petróleos Mexicanos